Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Party

So I let each of my kids invite a few friends over for a halloween party Friday night. I planned all kinds of fun games and activities to do, but they had ideas of their own. All together we had 18 guests, my 4 kids and Kristins 3 kids, we had a house full. Bryce is gone with the military so I asked my wonderful sister if she could come help and she willingly agreed. Thanks Kristin for coming all the way out here just to help, it was fun. We ended up making homemade slime. That was the hit of the party! And them we played the mummy wrap game. While playing the mummy game I opened my big mouth and said it would be fun to take the used toilet paper and go toilet papering, of course all the kids wanted to do it after that. Kristin reminded me it was illegal because of vandalism and with my husband being a police officer it probably wasn't a good idea. I decided to let them go anyway, but they had to do MY house!! They had a lot of fun, but now I have a mess outside to clean up. That will teach me to open my mouth!! I had one of the parents call me before the party for a reminder of when it started, after telling him and giving him some other details he asked me if I was stupid, I laughed and said "Oh it"ll be fun!". When he came back to pick his daughter up, seeing the mess in the yard, when I opened the door his first comment was "you are stupid!". I may be crazy, but we had fun!!


Coley Ru said...

Kami, this is such a cute idea. I need to know how to play the mummy game. You have inspired me! (I also wanted to take my kids but Shane said no sucks being the adult sometimes!) Coley

Kristin said...

It was fun. The kids cracked me up.

Coley Ru said...
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Tracy said...

Kami, I wish you were blogging more, I'd love to know how you are all doing incl. Bryce. The family blog thing didn't go so well. I'm not sure most of them know how to do it. Hope you are all well. Send Bryce's email when you get a chance :)