Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer Fun

Bryce took a couple weeks off of work so that he could spend some time with the kids before he leaves for Irag, this is how he spent most of the two weeks. After his little vacation he went back to work for about a week and was offered a job with Ogden City Police Department, he doesn't start until August 18th, but he still had some leave time at Davis County, so he decided to use the rest of his leave and have another vacation. So, he took another week off work before heading out with this Marine Corps unit for annual training. He and the kids have had a lot of fun this summer.

We went to the rodeo during the week of the 24th of July, Brenan and EmmaLee were doing the muttin bustin. KariAnn had to leave early and left her kids with us and her youngest daughter Hailey wouldn't go to anyone but Bryce.

Rylee and Rashele and I got to go to day camp with the Activity days girls. It's the first time our ward has every gone, it was a lot of fun.


10zfam said...

hey was day camp at camp browning?it looks like where we went to girl's camp

Unknown said...

No day camp was at Camp Fife up in Tremonton!

Coley Ru said...

Hey Kami! Cute kids. I loved looking at all your picts! What a fun family! Coley coleysclan.blogspot