Monday, November 5, 2007

Raising a Mule

It's pretty bad when you have to take your own child to the principles office. I have been having problems with Brenan wanting to stay with me at school instead of going to class. On Friday at school he was throwing a tantrum over his lunch and tried to follow me out to recess. I gave him the option of eating his lunch or going to the principle office, and he chose the office. When I was done working I went to the office to see if he was still there and the secretary said that he quit throwing his tantrum but was now refusing to go back to class. I tell you he is just like his dad STUBBURN!! I told this story to my KariAnn at our monthy movie night, and she said I was raising a mule and she didn't think even uncle Billy's mules were as stubburn as Brenan. I definately have my hands full with him, but he keeps life interesting. :)

1 comment:

10zfam said...

this is funny, thanks for remembering to give me the credit